Association Membership

You can become a member of our association either personally or institutionally.

To become a member of our association and to get information about all the details, please send your request to

Conditions of Being a Member of Our Association

  • Being a natural or legal person with capacity to act,
  • To adopt the aims and principles of the association,
  • To apply for membership in writing with the necessary documents by filling out the Membership Form prepared by the Association and signing the Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL) Agreement.


  • To act in violation of the association’s charter and our laws and to harm the purpose,
  • Losing the right to become a member in accordance with the principles set by the laws and the statute of the association,
  • Constantly avoiding the assigned duties and not complying with the decisions made by the bodies of the Association,
  • Failure to pay the membership fee without an excuse within six months despite written warnings,
  • To lose the conditions of membership,
  • Putting the Association under obligation without obtaining authorization from the Association, losing its appeal power.

Your Membership Rights

You have the right to leave our association at any time.

You have equal rights with other members.

You have one vote in the General Assembly.

Annual Membership Fees:

  • Student: 150 TL
  • Individual: 700 TL
  • Corporate: 7,000 TL

Membership Fee Bank Information

Account Name International Trade Network Association
Bank Name Yapı Kredi Bankası
Branch Kartal Oto Sanayi Şubesi
Donation Account IBAN TL TR39 0006 7010 0000 0064 2318 26