Employee Mentorship Program

The Utrader Employee Mentorship Program aims to ensure that the new members of the association who are considered to be on the Working Board or the Board of Directors understand, internalize and incorporate the culture, mission, vision and values of the association institutionally.

Principles of the Mentorship Program

  • Mentors meet with mentees online or face to face at predetermined times. The frequency of the meetings should be at least once a week. In the meantime, having more meetings will allow the program to be completed earlier.
  • In cases where the mentor does not comply with the principles of the program or act in accordance with its aims, another mentor is appointed.
  • The mentee cannot take place on Boards if he or she does not comply with the principles of the program or act in accordance with its aims.
  • The mentor decides whether and when the mentee takes responsibility primarily on the boards.

Scope of the Mentorship Program

  • The parties share and discuss the mission, vision, values and activities of the association or the structures that form the basis of the association.
  • Mentees are informed about the structure, principles and culture of the Association’s boards.
  • The mentor introduces the mentee to other association members and strengthens their communication.
  • The mentor constantly informs the mentee about the developments and new projects in the association, gets mentee’s opinions and opens this up for discussion at the association’s boards.
  • The mentor gets and discusses the mentee’s opinions on organisation, functioning and business development and presents the appropriate ones to the association boards.


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